
Make the highest quality with the smallest environmental footprint

Amphenol Group ESG commitment

Read Amphenol 2022 Sustainability Report 

Amphenol’s high-performance culture of entrepreneurial accountability is uniquely powerful in ensuring a sustainable future.  By giving local management around the world the authority to run their respective businesses, the entire Amphenol organization is empowered to truly “think globally, but act locally.”

More information on

sustainability 1

our approach

Amphenol Socapex Sustainability Commitment

Limiting our environmental impact

  • Monitoring and reducing our energy consumption
  • Optimized management of our industrial waste
  • Supplier selection
  • ISO 14001 certification

Being a responsible employer

  • Promoting employee well-being at work
  • Putting employee safety first
  • Inclusive HR policy: Aller Plus Haut (association for young people with disabilities), partnering with schools

Getting involved at local level

  • Active member of environmental associations: GREEN, CEC....
  • Involvement in local life: Telethon, Com les Pros, Company Cup, etc.



Limiting our environmental impact

Our different actions

Monitoring and reducing our energy consumption

By making energy-efficient choices to reduce the energy and water consumption of our facilities.

Industrial waste management 

By controlling and improving our industrial waste management, such as recycling materials, reducing waste, recycling packaging and joining local recycling programs.

Supplier selection

By selecting suppliers and subcontractors who develop and produce innovative technologies, products and processes that have the lowest possible impact on the environment throughout their life cycle.

ISO 14001 certification 

  • The Amphenol Socapex plant in Thyez (France) has been ISO 14001 certified since 2008. Our manufacturing plant in Pune, India, is certified since June 2023.  Link to certificate 
  • Compliance with environmental, health and safety regulations at all Thyez (France) and Pune (India) sites.


sustainability 4

Being a responsible employer

Promoting well-being and safety

Promoting well-being at work

  • Possibility of teleworking and flexible working hours depending on position
  • Social services
  • Company concierge service for employees and temporary workers, with delivery of fruit and vegetable baskets, dry-cleaning, ironing, tire changes, parcel drop-off...
  • Encouraging soft mobility: secure bicycle shelters, electric vehicle charging points, soft mobility bonuses
  • Dedicated contacts in the event of disputes 
  • Company cafeteria that favors short-distance sourcing and recycles food waste
  • Male/Female Index: 77/100
  • Awareness campaigns: smoking cessation, cancer screening, vaccination
  • Supporting and promoting the company's sports teams

Putting employee safety first

  • Provision of safe and secure working facilities and equipment. 
  • Safety training: fire, electrical and workplace first-aid.
  • Preventive actions
  • Our Thyez and Pune sites are aiming for ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety) certification by 2024 and 2025. 
  • Training employees to make decisions and act in accordance with our environmental and safety policies.
  • Open communication with all stakeholders (employees, neighbors, partners, local authorities and others) on environmental and safety issues.


Company cup

Local Environment

Getting involved with local communities

Active member of environmental associations

  • GREEN Network (Groupement pour la Responsabilité Environnementale des ENtreprises): Born in the Arve Valley and co-created by local companies, the G.R.E.EN network quickly proved its raison d'être, federating just over a hundred companies and more than 8,000 employees working for the sustainable development of the region. 
  • CEC (Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat): Created in December 2020, the CEC is an Association recognized as being in the public interest, whose vocation is to organize awareness and transformation paths for economic decision-makers.

Involvement in local life

  • Active participant in the "Com les Pro" event, designed to introduce companies to the general public.
  • Sponsor of the Thyez Telethon
  • Participation in the Company Cup in Annecy (around 80 employees at each event)
  • Partnership with local schools to introduce students to the company
  • Partnerships with local associations (see above) to integrate young people with disabilities




A couple of pics from the Socapexian team